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24 January 2018

New website provides a window to Parke Corporation

Parke Corporation’s newly launched website showcases the full suite of professional services the group offers for business and consumer needs in one easily accessible, easy-to-read, click-and-see location. The specialist integrated company offers services that cover nearly all the legal, financial and human resource requirements required in business and life matters. The new website means these

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Parke Corporation proudly supports our communities

Communities and their people are the lifeblood of our living, social and working environments. Parke Corporation has a strong commitment to supporting community groups, organisations and events. We are the gold sponsors of the Camberwell Art Show, Australia’s largest art show; the Maroondah Festival held in Croydon attended by 30,000 people annually and Grace Park Carols, an annual Christmas twilight picnic event in the City of Boroondara.
